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Free Hypnosis MP3

Free MP3 Platform Dedicated to Hypnosis

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Free Hypnosis MP3

Free MP3 Platform Dedicated to Hypnosis

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Free Hypnosis MP3

Free MP3 Platform Dedicated to Hypnosis

Free Hipnoz MP3 indirme

Bu site Başlangıçta Aralık 2009 yılından beri, biz sadece (biz zaman H1N1 gribi salgınının ortasında kalmıştık) insanların bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmek yardımcı olacak ücretsiz hipnoterapi kayıtları sunmak istedim. Daha sonra, zaman geçtikçe, biz birlikte hipnoterapi kayıtları çok sayıda geliştirmeye devam böyle Bulle de Ressources gibi ek kayıtları, vb HIV, kanser gibi çok ciddi veya kronik hastalıklar, kişilerin psikolojik destek sağlamak için ilave temalar çok çeşitli. yalnız bu siteden, şimdi 10.000.000 indirme etkileyici sayıda ulaştı !!
Büyük hepinize teşekkürler! Bu, bizim dinleyici biz teşekkür ederiz sadece hangi için inanılmaz bir başarı.

On this site, it is our pleasure to offer you high-quality, professional hypnotherapy recordings developed by Patricia d'Angeli and Olivier Lockert. They are the co-founders of the French Institute of Humanist and Ericksonian Hypnosis (IFHE) based in Paris, France, since 1995, and are the creators of Humanist Hypnosis. Experienced hypnotherapists (Olivier Lockert has almost 30 years’ experience), they are also authors of over 20 books sold in 60 countries.

As a result of the success of our hypnosis recordings in French, we have decided to make them available to wider audience. On this site, it is now our pleasure to offer you the same high-quality, professional hypnotherapy recordings developed by Patricia d’Angeli and Olivier Lockert in many of the worlds’ languages, all translated and recorded by native speakers.
We will add more MP3 in the future (and you can help us!). So, we invite you to check back with us frequently as our collection grows.

Why offer these recordings for free rather than sell them?

Let Olivier Lockert to explain :

"Hello. I am happy that you have found this site. Here, we hope to offer you high-quality hypnosis sessions that are simple and practical for everyone to use on a daily basis. For several years now, therapeutic hypnosis has been earning greater recognition, even beyond its use for medical purposes. More than just a « technique », Patricia and I believe that hypnosis offers the key to our inner selves : a means to attain greater self-knowledge or at least allow us to access the vast reservoir of resources hidden within our unconscious mind—the source of your dreams and the part of you who knows and can help you to change your life or even guide you towards healing.

One day, Patricia and I started recording our improvised accompaniments that we developed for our students during their training at the IFHE. Despite being improvisations, these hypnosis sessions showed a positive impact on the persons who listened to them (some of the best discoveries in life come unexpectedly and when you are the least prepared !). We simply re-recorded them in a more professionally manner to improve the sound quality and added music composed especially for the occasion. These are the sessions that you will find today on our site. It is our greatest pleasure to make them available to you.

Of course, we cannot claim that these are examples of THE perfect session in therapeutic hypnosis. We are not giving you lessons in hypnosis ; rather, we are hoping to accompany you humanly and happily, for the pleasure of passing an enjoyable moment with you. These sessions bear our own special mark, our "brand" so to speak, one that so many readers of our books appreciate and others will discover.

Patricia and I wish only that all of this will be pleasant and helpful for you. Happy listening… and happy hypnosis!"
