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Free Hypnosis MP3

Free MP3 Platform Dedicated to Hypnosis

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Free Hypnosis MP3

Free MP3 Platform Dedicated to Hypnosis

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Free Hypnosis MP3

Free MP3 Platform Dedicated to Hypnosis

Как использовать эти сеансы гипноза?

Прежде всего, никакая запись никогда не заменит консультации врача или психолога.
Если у вас есть какие-либо сомнения по поводу своего здоровья, обратитесь за квалифицированной медицинской или психологической помощью. Меняться и выздоравливать всегда легче вдвоём, чем одному.

Before you start: Have you clicked on the "Therapy & Coaching" link located at the top of the page for each download?

If you have not already done so, and you would like more explanation of these MP3 hypnosis sessions, click HERE.

Of course, the recordings on this site are necessarily very general and designed to suit a wide audience. Obviously, they cannot replace the more personalized approach that an individual session with a qualified therapist would provide.

So if you feel the need: get help! (You can consult our International Directory of Hypnotherapists: The languages spoken, other than French, are indicated in each listing)

Next, even though we all have a mind and that working at this level is very important as well as interesting, it is equally important not to neglect the body. So if you are ill or have a medical condition for which medical treatment is effective or even required, by all means keep taking your medicine! A physical action on the body is often more immediate than that of the mind on the body. So, in all cases, if you follow a medical treatment, keep following it! Practicing self-hypnosis can help reinforce its action and manage any side effects.

Additionally, as you probably realize, it would be dangerous to listen to hypnosis recording while driving or operating heavy machinery, activities which require your full attention and all of your reflexes. Always choose the proper place and time for your hypnosis session!

Finally, there is no better indicator than your own intuition as far as you are concerned. No one but you can know what is best for you. Listen to these recordings and listen to yourself—realizing nothing from outside of you can make you change. Only YOU have this power!

Whether you work in a group or alone, using these recordings or perhaps working individually with a therapist, keep in mind that you and only you are responsible for all of your miracles.

If these recordings can be helpful for you, today or at another time in the future, then we will be very happy!

Now, for more specific information or techniques regarding the MP3 hypnosis sessions on this site, please see the page: "Therapy & Coaching".

And feel free to let others know about this free hypnosis downloads: on your blog, a forum, via social networks or on your professional web site. Our MP3s are licensed under Creative Commons: just keep the names of the authors, do not mix, mix or distort the MP3 in any way and do not use it commercially.

Thank you!
